- St. Stephen's De La Salle BNS

(051) 871716
St. Stephen's De La Salle
Waterford, Ireland
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As part of Science Week, Mr. Coghlan's and Miss Finnegan's 3rd Classes went to WIT to watch a bubble show, hosted by "Bubbles" from Bubbly Maths! The show incorporated Science and Maths, focusing on how bubbles can be created in many different ways.

The boys saw how bubbles can be formed by many 2D and 3D shapes such as circles, cubes and pyramids, but still form a spherical shape. "Bubbles" also showed how to create bubbles using a 1 metre circumference! Some of the boys took part in an experiment to see how many students could fit inside a cubic metre. The boys took this knowledge and discussed what they could use cubic metres to measure in real life. "Bubbles" experimented with different gasses too, bu filling the bubbles with helium and gas. Everyone predicted what might happen to these bubbles, and watched the effects.

As part of the finale, some of the boys were selected to be put inside a large bubble! The two 3rd Classes had lots of fun at the bubble show and learned how Science and Maths can be part of everyday normal things - like bubbles! Check out the pictures from the 3rd Classes' visit to WIT in the gallery below!

© St. Stephen's De La Salle BNS, Waterford, Ireland.
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