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Below you will find a list of the documents we have compiled which highlight our efforts to track our energy usage, as well as the waste generated by our school.
We've also added our Green Schools Action Plan and Calendar for 2014/2015 -
You'll also find our motto for 2014/2015 as we try to win our second Green Flag, this time for energy!
Please note all these documents are in PDF format and once clicked, will open in a new window. A copy can be saved once it opens in the new window!
Our Green Schools Action Plan 2014/2015
Our Green Schools Calendar 2014/2015
Our Green Schools Committee 2014/2015
Our Green Schools Motto 2014/2015
Green Schools Waste Monitoring: September 2014
Green Schools Waste Monitoring: October 2014
Green Schools Waste Monitoring: January 2015
Green Schools Energy Monitoring: September 2014
Green Schools Energy Monitoring: October 2014
Green Schools Energy Monitoring: January 2015