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The Parents' Association is a voluntary group through which the parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. The Parents' Association works with the Principal, staff and the Board of Management to build an effective partnership between home and school for the benefit of our pupils. It's a proven fact that the better the quality of the relationship between home and school, the more likely children are to be happy and do well in school.
St. Stephen’s is lucky to have a very active Parents' Association. The school is indebted to all of the members who work on the school’s behalf. The Association fundraises during the school year and all the proceeds are used to benefit the boys in our school.
Some of the recent activities of the St. Stephen's Parents' Association include:
Holding an A.G.M. every year.
Fundraising for school equipment and library books.
Publication of newsletters throughout the year.
Organising and running a fun quiz night each November for boys in 3rd to 6th Classes.
Inviting a guest speaker to address the parents about a relevant topic. (for example, the Gardaí about internet safety)
Reading to Junior Classes as part of the school's World Book Day celebrations. (examples on the menu!)
Sponsoring and supervising a party for all the boys who make their First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Organising a treat for 6th Class and the school choir following the end of year graduation mass.
Sponsoring 6 weeks of road safety and cycling lessons for the two 4th Classes.
Working with the two 6th Classes to make scrapbooks of their last year of primary school.
See more activities from the St. Stephen's Parents' Association here!
Any queries regarding the Parents' Association at St. Stephen's, including those wishing to offer their help by perhaps joining the Parents' Association, can be made through the school office. All new members welcome!